You don’t have to be a Runner to be on our Team:
You just have to want to cure lung cancer
Join our Team Today – See below!
Lung cancer strikes 250,000 Americans each year, many who like Barb Murphy never smoked. We need everyone’s help to cure lung cancer – fast! That’s why we’re racing to the cure!
Funds from the sale of Barb’s Beer support GRACE (cancerGRACE.org) a charity created by Dr. Howard West, Barb’s oncologist and one of the country’s leading experts racing “fast” to find a cure.
MEET OUR PARTNERS who serve Barb’s Beer and make the campaign possible!
We need YOU to join our “racing team!” Why? Because “numbers” on our roster give us the ability to sign up even more restaurants as partners – that allows us to increase funding for cancerGRACE.org.

Plus, you can win too!
CLICK HERE for details on how YOU can win “Barb’s Beer for 20” Certificates for use at our PARTNER restaurants and taverns! Whether you’re a runner, a beer lover – or just want to help cure lung cancer, join our team to help the cause!
In addition, team members receive our monthly newsletter with the latest updates on progress with our campaign – and the latest news from GRACE about strides Dr. West and his team are making against this disease.
So join our “Racing to the Cure” TEAM today – SIGN UP below: (And don’t worry, we don’t share our team members’ info!)
Members of a highly popular NY band, ‘The Bogmen’, created a song for Barb’s Beer called ‘Racing to the Cure’ (the Barb’s Beer Song). P.J. O’Connor and Brendan and Billy Ryan, took lyrics by Tom Murphy, Barb’s husband, added a warm, inspiring tune and perform the song as, “Friends of Barb.” Preview our Barb’s Beer song below, then download it to support the Barb’s Beer cause!
Visit SLIDE SHOW to hear the song played out against photos of the campaign in action.
To Download the Song, CLICK HERE